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February 2016 - Hairy Days, Making a Move, Roller Hockey

Before I start the write up I just want to pass on my condolences to the Morrissey Family after the passing of Mother Mary Ann February 14.

February the second restart of the year.  Chopping hair and moving apartment (still in Buenos Aires, for now), plus a few odd photos in the Other Stuff section including my start back in to Roller Hockey.

Funniest photo of the year so far!
Said good bye to the mop on my head which I have had since I arrived in Buenos Aires in 2012 (shaving my head October 2011 the day before my big ride to Argentina).  Of course I have had hair cuts since, but have keep it long for 4 years.  It's time to grow up again, haha. Oh and Jessy is my new barber!

It's time!

No more hair in my face, quick drying after showers
and much cooler in the summer.

Haircut meditation,
not a fan of hair in my face

Ya esta, done.

My Turn!

Not bad for my first time.

Down sizing.  At the end of the month we moved to a smaller apartment to fit our needs.  Didn't take me long to get packed as you can see in the video.  As well we had to leave a few bigger pieces with the renters we switched places with (they wanted a bigger place).  The new government just removed electricity, gas and water subsidies so this seemed like the perfect move (pun intended) to cut costs.

Side Story: The new government assumed control in December taking over from a very immature corrupt team over the last 12 years, first the husband and then wife after the husband fell ill.  They offered a bed of lies that the uninformed jumped all over putting the country in the worst situation it's been for a long time.  In 2001 the peso and USD were on par, and today 15 pesos to 1 USD.  Ouch!  This lead to the new government desperate need to cut costs and save money so electricity, gas and water subsidies were removed and in effect all these rates jumped between 250% and 400%.  Yes 250% and 400%.  I wouldn`t make plans to visit Arg in the next year or two.

Grabbing boxes where ever we could
find them.

About 40% of the stuff.
Tight fit, but we made it.
I can work with it, but give me
some time to get adjusted

Bubba's got a home

Bumble's got a home

Other Stuff

Possibly my last Spanish Course and not because I'm fluent

Who's wearing lipstick?

Yoga time

I prefer this to some of the other faces 

Apparently I blocked this scooter
in with my moto.  Oops.

The shark is back.

These things are worth 7 cents
and usually look the part

Japanese and Vietnamese

Incredible chocolate mouse/pie that weighed about 1 kg
and cost about $12 to make at home!. Worth every penny!

For moto reference one day

Back on Rollers.  Playing Roller Hockey in Parque Palermo

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